Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Introducing The New Man in my Life

Meet Gabriel! He's got all the makings of a grumpy Frenchman and he's adorable and all mine (well, okay the Frog has something to do with him as well!). He was born on the 19th October at 00:31 and he truly blessed me by giving me a very easy labour - my waters broke at 18:30, I still had no contractions at 19:30 whilst being monitored at the clinic. Things then moved very fast and he sped his way out just a few hours later.

Despite the fact he was 3 and a half weeks early he weighed in at a healthy 7lbs/3,2kgs and 51 cms/20 inches. He even timed his arrival to coincide with my Mum's planned trip to keep me company in my last weeks of pregnancy - one way to make Grandma extra happy!

We got home 5 nights later and since then I've been living a blur of sleepless nights, alternated by'good' nights, alternated by sleepless nights. And of course it's all worthwhile (just don't expect me to say that after he's pulled another nuit blanche).

Things I have learnt:

  • I can now fall asleep anytime, anywhere when I get more than 2 minutes quiet

  • Little baby boys like to spray pee whilst they get their nappies changed

  • The washing machine is my new best friend

  • I might have been able to get back into my jeans a week later after the birth but if I continue to eat like a pig I will grow out of them again

  • Breastfeeding pads make great coasters

  • Grey's Anatomy Seasons 1,2 and 3 are the only way to stay sane during night feeds

  • I'm not one of those mother's who can interpret her baby's cries - they're all loud and screamy

  • I have to learn to accept that my flat will never be tidy agan to the level I like

  • Frog won't admit it (for fear of the consequences in increased requests) but he's an excellent nappy changer

  • Lentils, avocados and merguez sausages are off the menu because of their disastrous chemical effect on the next nappy change

I feel a bit naughty writing this post because I have so many people to contact and thank for their messages and gifts that have arrived in the last 3 weeks. But I also felt guilty for not updating the blog!

So, not sure when I'll post again - I hope to get into a bit more of a routine at some point but have yet to progress to multi-tasking!