Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Round Robins

We're now exiting that time of year when people sent their "round robins" to all the people in their address books. This is the annual letter from friends and family that updates you on them and their nearest and dearests' achievements and news.

(Simon Hoggart has written in The Guardian about the worst kind of letter this can generate.)

However, with the advent of Blogs and the fact that in the US

Blog readership jumped 58 percent between February and November, and comprised 32 million U.S. citizens in 2004. More than 8 million U.S. citizens have created a Web-based diary, and one in 10, or around 14 million U.S. Internet users, has contributed thoughts or comments to a blog. PC World (and we know that Europe is only a few steps behind the US on technology uptake)

does this mean that Round Robin letters are going to be a thing of the past?

I choose to now update my family via the blog. Does this mean that there will be fewer round robins? I know I'm already writing less emails to my closest family as I just expect them to point to this address and get the weekend update.

Another custom lost I suspect. More blogs with torrid family updates anticipated.

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